



About Us

We are in the midst of another industrial revolution, but this time the technology requires significant intellectual capital to enable progress. Rapid advances are being made in applied and fundamental science. Yet few people or organizations are positioned to take these technologies to the next level. At Quantal Technology LLC, we can help.


Our work spanned a broad range and involved writing research proposals, performing original research, using numerical simulation tools, compiling data, writing journal-quality publications, working with fellow scientists and sponsors, and providing presentations of completed work. In working closely with Quantal, it was clear to me that they have some of the brightest researchers I have ever met.

  • Dr. Larry Logory
  • Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Working with Quantal Technology inspired me to enter the startup world. Through my experiences with Quantal, I learned how to understand that technology must fit within markets, and that often one must pivot upon uncovering that our original approach was not what the market actually wanted. In the end, our revised business plan allowed me to enter the LabCorp competition of 2015.

  • Dr. Julie Herberg-Bowen
  • Nautilus Data Technologies

I worked with Quantal Technology to write a joint proposal to utilize small fusion reactors to solve California’s electrical load balancing issues caused by large penetration of renewables. My experience with Quantal was quite positive, as they worked diligently on this project. I fully recommend working with Quantal Technology on future projects.

  • Dr. Samuel Cohen
  • Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory

Quantal worked closely with UET Taxila faculty and students towards further developing a domestic solar energy R&D capability in Pakistan. His insights and assistance were greatly appreciated. I fully recommend David and his company for R&D efforts.

  • Professor M. Shahid Khalil
  • University of Engineering & Technology, Taxila Pakistan